Stars Fetish Fantasies
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Studio:Stars Fetish Fantasies
Length:28 min
Length:28 min
by the pool, Star rolls her eyes at her robot girlfriend as Candle mentions she wants to learn humour like her role model Data. Using her 0s and 1s, Candle tells bad jokes in an attempt to feel more human. Star is confused by her desire to assimilate to lesser humans. She pushes Candle into the pool after a lame joke. Candle malfunctions. A solar panel is being generated by Androids Candle Boxxx and Star Nine. Star rolls her eyes at Candle when she says she wants to learn humour like Data, her robot girlfriend. Candle keeps talking about her advanced programming, saying it should be easy! In an effort to become more human, Candle tells bad jokes. Star doesnt understand why Candle would want to assimilate with lesser humans. After a lame joke, Star pushes Candle in the pool. Candle starts malfunctioning. Candle Boxxx and Star Nine are regenerating their solar panels by the pool when Candle says she wants to learn humour from Data. Star rolls her eyes at her robot girlfriend. Candle says she is a great programmer and it should be easy! She tells bad jokes, accessing her 0s and 1s, trying to become more human. Star does not understand why she wants to be like lesser humans. After a very lame joke, she pushes Candle in the pool, which causes Candle to malfunction As Androids Candle Boxxx and Star Nine re-energize their solar panels by the pool, Star rolls her eyes at her robot girlfriend when she says Candle wants to learn humour like Data. In an effort to become more human, Candle...