Ludella Hahns Fetish Adventures
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Studio:Ludella Hahns Fetish Adventures
Length:22 min
Length:22 min
be a big hook-up resort and he’s ready to get “so much pussy,” But he starts to feel a little funny and is having some trouble keeping his balance. “Oh man, what was in that drink?” He stumbles, putting his hands out in front of him to keep his balance. But they look off. Something strange is happening and soon they morph into feminine hands with painted nails. “Do my hands look--girly?” He says--only it doesn’t sound like him anymore. He sounds like a girl… “What’s–what’s wrong with my voice? My toes? My TITS? I have tits on my chest? Ahh! What’s going on? I don’t feel so well.” POV collapses onto the sand. [The rest of the video is filmed looking at her/him instead of from his/her POV.] Soon after dawn, she opens her eyes and sits up in the sand, drowsily. “What a weird--dream? Dream? DREAM? Ahhhh!” Hearing that his voice is still feminine he looks down to discover it was not a dream after all. He still has tits. He is still a SHE. And SHE is panicking. “Ahhhh!” She jumps up, holding onto her (his) swim trunks, which are quite baggy on the new feminine form, so she gets a peek down them and screams. “Where’s my dick? Where’s my DICK? Ahhh!” She feels between her legs. “Oh! Ah! Oh there’s a pussy there! Ohhhh there’s a pussy where my dick should be! What am I going to do? Oh! Ah!” The shorts fall down to her ankles leaving her standing there butt naked. “Ohhh!” Mortified, she grabs them and yanks them back up. But as she paces and panics, they keep falling down around her ankles. Finally she gives up and uses her hands to cover herself instead, standing on the beach BUTT NAKED! And a GIRL. “Oh, what am I going to wear? There’s got to be something left behind out here because I’m not walking all the way back to my room like a NAKED GIRL when I know the kind of dudes who are here because I am one. Haha. Am I right, STEP-BRO? Hahaha! Or...I used to be, anyway,” She frowns. She finds a swimsuit somebody left on their beach towel and shimmies her way into it. “Sun’s out, buns out?” She reads. “Oh well, it’s all I could find,” While putting it on and having to make adjustments to keep her privates covered, she gets distracted by her new fat jiggly booty. “There’s some meat you can grab. YEAH! Except, that it’s on me. Ugh! What am I doing? I need to figure this out.” She adjusts the swimsuit again, claiming that it’s a little slutty and that her new vagina is basically sticking out of it. And then, she gets distracted by her tits. “Heh. Boobs.” She squeezes them. “What are these? DDs?” She pulls them out of the swimsuit and gropes and squeezes them. “Yeah, two big double handfuls. The best...