Borderland Bound
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Studio:Borderland Bound
Length:18 min
Length:18 min
But, who IS he, really…?? The hottest local story, as All Hallow’s Eve looms, is centred upon Phenomena Hall and its disappearing paintings! The Hall, a rambling manse on the edge of the village. In fact, a stout constable named PieMeasure HAD taken a quick look around, however had said look been just a tad more involved, he might have noticed that old pair of work boots quickly disappearing up into the attic… Hmmmm, do ghosties wear BOOTS?? Seems no one is too keen to solve this particular ethereal riddle, but when the scoop opportunity comes into the offices of the Brie & Baguette Gazette, a trio of outrageously hot reporter chicks in tight little, VERY leg-friendly suits ready themselves to assume the mantel, and we are all very happy to find them now, sneaking about with flashlights, splitting up, bending over and being overcome by weird phantasmagoric spellbindings, right? Take lovely suited Ivy, who thinks SHE can stand up to some suddenly appeared bad actor, only to vanish in thin air!. Well, not JUST her on. They are outraged, as one might imagine, but, as they shake those hot, blouse-clad chests about and jiggle in general! Surely, we can’t believe how hot these brats are, tapebound and silencedthem with VERY tight. No WAY are they going to allow this – or. What they ARE doing is wildly thrashing. Our spirited captives gag fume angrily, straining at that their banded. and their lovely bodies tape-HELD, the ladies bump around like crazy,...