Media Impact Customs
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Studio:Media Impact Customs
Length:27 min
Length:27 min
The concept of the video is an interview with Sahrye. . She was a newscaster who was on site of a nuclear power. She’s the “hot” new reporter on the broadcast and they didn’t. Sahrye is standing in front of a chainlink fence with a demolished building in the background, something like below, with an. She tells him. He tries a third time and Sahrye begins to shout before she’s overwhelmed. The cameraman is now looking up at. “What the fuck just happened to me?” The scene is back to her bedroom, where she. She got checked out and. The growth spurts get more drastic, growing. Sahrye is. She is now walking as. This leads her to use her massive ass to crush. Her body begins. The scene ends. Back in her bedroom, Sahrye explains how powerful she felt and how eating all the nuclear fallout ensured that she now had control of her growth and that no one else. She opens a menu. Remember me? Your star news reporter? The one who you’ve been using. I want your job, you little worm. Back in her bedroom, she explains how she couldn’t...