Borderland Bound
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Studio:Borderland Bound
stultifyingly gorgeous Lady in Red, Brook, who may, if the price is right, agree to sell up… The unsuspecting women believe they ae meeting at the Colonel’s own house to discuss, but since arrival, the only signs of life around here are their own. Impatient, Little Miss Solicitor, in her little black dress, heads off to see if she can locate the elusive Colonel, while comely blonde Brook stays put with those long legs swinging in anticipation…. Mmmm… Time to get this show on the road then. Having come back down the main staircase (it’s waaaaaay dark up there) Roxxi is leapt upon by a bizarre fellow who is not really a Colonel at all. In fact, he is masquerading as his own soon-to-be arriving guest, the REAL Colonel whose real name is Marmaduke CrymeaRiver. But to that, in due course! Right now, this creep spirits the unable-to-warn Miss Roxxi away and lies in wait for the next one to come on the lookout. Taking her, double-handed, from the shadows up on the second floor, he overcomes our Brook. Excellent. Now, to strip these bitches down and begin! He’s been watching them for a long time and finally he has them, all his to do whatsoever he wishes with regard to their pretty feet, which he’ll quickly also get nude and ready! The ladies are lashed with much rope to a big medieval-style table. Bewildered, they struggle and strain and try to create a fuss until their captor enters and slaps medical tape over their mouths to quieten them down. That stuff sticks FAST and there is no way this pair are doing any crying out now. The man is clearly barely able to contain himself and fondles and caresses the wriggling girls’ wicked bodies while they mmmmpppphhhh at him in useless, incensed protest. The experiment of the day will be to see how much foot torment the two feisty fillies can endure before they are ready to enter this next experiment – seeing if they can fly!! Clearly, the man is quite mad, and the alarmed cuties kind of know it, so when he is gone they squirm and strain about as hard...