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Length:36 min
Length:36 min
MKV Compressed format version ___ Was it parsley or cilantro? I can't believe. Sorry! It seems that the food is trying to get away from me! * flirtatious laugh * David looks at her astonished,. His hormones are at full blast and his dick simply can't hide. The hot woman says, looking at him with the eyes of a sex-hungry cat while she hands the young man a. It all seemed like a dream, a hot blonde asks him. I'm very. mmmm I don't want to wait to get home to eat and have fun.) The way home was very awkward, neither of them said a single word, probably because they are. David innocently fantasized about gags her with his dick and treating her like a bitch while fucking her, but. When David arrived at the house, he noticed something strange,. Blair, my name is Blair? And yours? David, said the boy a little shy because of the girl's imposing. I'd love to, David answers with a smile * his stomach growls * although I'm very hungry, by any chance do you have something quick to regain energy before dinner? Yes of course I think I have something in one of these bags, just give me a moment, David couldn't see. You can eat it,. forever Inside her? If this. He couldn't let go of the apple anymore, it was completely stuck to his mouth. I'm so hungry, but I never thought that tonight's dinner would. That's right! And you know what I eat to stay so young? Well, you guessed it, young and handsome men like you, your. Mmmmm I love that young man scent, if they. Blair's tongue begins to. Without warning Blair's tongue begins to play with David's anus, sticking her tongue in and out and then down to his glans, the sensation is...